View AbstractMicronuclei test is a system of mutagencity testing used for determining the pollution and chemicals causing
changes in DNA fragments such as micronuclei in the cytoplasm of interphase cells. Damage caused on the DNA
by genotoxic pollutants is the first consequence occurring in the aquatic organisms. The aquatic environment
makes up the major part of our environment and resources, therefore its safety is directly related to the safety our
health, thus, it was attempted to determine whether pollution affected the erythrocytes of fish Cyprinus carpio at
the level of DNA by the means of micronuclei (MN) test. The test has been used successfully as a mutagenic
assay. It is simple, reliable, sensitive, and it does not depend on any karyotypic characteristics. Fish were collected
from locations that display differential environmental stresses. Organisms used in the MN test were collected from
Dal Lake and Mansbal Lake. According to the results of the present study, frequency of MN was found higher in
fishes from Dal water compared to Mansbal Lake. In conclusion, this study indicates that the micronuclei test
gives sensitive results in monitoring the pollution, and thus it might be used as standard method in regular
monitoring of pollution of water bodies.