Centre of Research for Development
University of Kashmir
Srinagar-190006, J&K, India
Guidelines for Contributors
Original research articles in any branch of science are invited from researchers working in any research organization for publication in the "Journal of Research and Development” an annual publication of the Centre of Research for Development (CORD), University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Review papers from senior faculty based on thorough critical assessment of published data can also be considered. The manuscript should be submitted along with a certificate stating that the information embodied in the communication has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscript should be in MS WORD on a CD accompanied by a hard copy of the text on paper (along with original photographs if used in the text). Normally the script should not exceed twenty A-4 size pages (having all round margins of 1.5” and 1.5 lines space in between the lines) including abstract, tables and references. Manuscript may generally be organized in the following order: A concise and informative title followed by name(s) of the author(s), address(es) of the author(s), an abstract not exceeding 200 words giving the significant findings; a few key words for indexing and information retrieval; introduction; materials and methods; results; discussion; acknowledgements; references. Text should be in English, well written, precise and to the point. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of their mention in the text. A comprehensive title should be typed above the table. Footnotes should be indicated by superscripts and typed at the bottom of the tables. Plates, Figures, Tables should be arranged as per their occurrence in the Text and Serial Number. Legend to figures and photographs to be given below the Figures/Plates concerned. Units and Symbols should follow the metric system.
The reference list should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the first author. More than one reference of the same author(s) for different years should be arranged chronologically. Only the references cited in the text need to be given in the list of References. Abbreviations of journal titles in reference list should follow the forms used in World List of Scientific Periodicals. References should follow the pattern as exemplified below:
Journal article:
- Hora, S.L. 1951. Fish culture in rice field. Curr. Sci., 29(7): 171-173.
- Price, T. and Jamdar, N. 1990. The breeding birds of Overa Wildlife Sanctuary, Kashmir. J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 87(1): 1-15.
Chapter in a book:
1. Narayan, N.S. and Madhyastha, M.N., 1985. Heavy, metal pollution in India-A review. p. 272-294. In: Current Pollution Researches in India (R.K Trivedi & P.K. Goel, eds.). Environmental Publications, Karad, India.
Technical Report:
1. Anon. 1980. Annual Report for the year 1979. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India.300 pp.
1. Jhingran, V.G., 1975. Fish and Fisheries of India. Hindustan Publication Corpn., New Delhi, India.
Short communications should not exceed four A-4 size pages. Abstract of the text and title of the papers in the reference list are not required in case of short communications. All papers submitted for publication will be accepted only on the recommendations of the referees. The authors are required to submit a list of five scientists of the rank of Professor/ Chief Scientist working in the field to which the article pertains, in other institutions.
Manuscripts complete in all respects should be sent to the Director, CORD, the University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 190 006, either personally against receipt or by registered post. Papers can also be sent through e-mail on the address: and a copy to
However, a hard copy of the text along with the photographs needs to be sent through registered post or courier.
Address for communication
Prof. Azra N. Kamili
Director, Centre of Research for Development
University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006
J & K, India
Ph. no: 9419018650
Executive Editor
Dr. Md. Niamat Ali
Centre of Research for Development
University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006
J & K, I ndia
E-mail ID:
Ph. no: 9796765654